Please read Daniel 8.
Meditate on verses 16 and 19.
And I heard the voice of a man between
the banks of Ulai, and he called out and said,
"Gabriel, give this man an understanding of the vision."
He said, "Behold, I am going to let you know what
will occur at the final period of the indignation,
for it pertains to the appointed time of the end.
Thankfully, God lets us glimpse into the future, for it gives us confidence as we see the world falling apart that things are actually coming together for that glorious day when Christ the Cornerstone fulfills the statue vision in Daniel 2 (Acts 4:11).
Inasmuch as you saw that a stone was
cut out of the mountain without hands and
that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the
clay, the silver and the gold, the great God has
made known to the king what will
take place in the future, so the dream is true,
and its interpretation is trustworthy.
—Daniel 2:45
Keep in mind these are appointed times ordained by the Commander of the host, the Commander of your life (vs. 11, 19). So, do not fear when you see the Prince of princes being opposed because He will break the opposer; you have God’s Word on it (v. 25).
Pray Daniel 8:16 and 25 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, give ____________ and me an understanding
of the visions in Your Word. Do not let us
be deceived by Satan’s shrewdness.
Do not let his influence cause deceit to
succeed in our lives. Do not let us be like him,
magnifying ourselves in our heart.
Do not let us be at ease so he is able to
destroy us. Prince of princes, we look forward
to the day the opposer is broken.
In Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 4 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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