Please read 1 Kings 21.
Meditate on verse 20.
Ahab said to Elijah, “Have you found me, O my enemy?”
And he answered, “I have found you,
because you have sold yourself
to do evil in the sight of the LORD.”
Evil King Ahab and wicked Queen Jezebel really did it this time! Coveting, pouting, uncaring, lying, murdering, stealing—those two committed all of these sins in one callous fell swoop against Naboth, a man simply minding his own business, caring for what his family had given him (vs. 1-16). God saw the whole thing—you can’t hide anything from Him—and He confronted Ahab about all of the wicked abominations, declaring that he, Jezebel, and those belonging to them would die and be eaten by either the dogs or the birds (vs. 17-26). But then the unbelievable happened; Ahab humbled himself before the LORD, and God saw that, too! Ahab’s punishment was lessened because of God’s mercy (vs. 27-29).
What is your response to this story from God’s Word? Do you think, “Are you kidding me, God? Why would you relent in punishing such an evil person?” Or, are your thoughts, “O LORD, there is hope for me, for I, too, am selfish and pouting and uncaring… LORD, please forgive and have mercy on me”?
Use the words from 1 Kings 21:20 and 29 to pray over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, please find _________ and me doing what pleases You.
Let us never sell ourselves to do evil in Your sight!
Let us always humble ourselves before You.
Please do not bring evil in our days.
Please let no evil come to our house
or the house of our children.
In Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 3 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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