Please read Psalm 119:25-32.
Meditate on and memorize verse 26.
I have told of my ways, and You have answered me;
teach me Your statutes.
Can you imagine this conversation between God and the psalmist? Thinking he was doing alright, the psalmist told about his ways; when the LORD said something like, “So, do you really think your ways are pleasing in My sight?”
Whatever the LORD said caused the psalmist to ask God to teach him His statutes. A man’s way is no good unless it is God’s way.
There is a way which seems right to a man,
but its end is the way of death.
—Proverbs 14:12
How would the LORD answer you if you started telling Him about your ways? Ask Him to teach you His ways as you pray Psalm 119:25-32 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, my soul cleaves to the dust; revive ________ and me
according to Your Word. I have told of our ways, and You have
answered me; teach us Your statutes. Make us understand
the way of Your precepts, so we will meditate on Your wonders.
My soul weeps because of grief; strengthen us according
to Your Word. Remove the false way from us and graciously
grant us Your law. Help us choose the faithful way
and let us place Your ordinances before us. We cling to
Your testimonies; O LORD, do not put us to shame!
Help us run the way of Your commandments, for
You will enlarge our hearts.
In Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 3 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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