Please read John 18.
Meditate on these phrases from verses 5-6 and 8. Jesus is talking.
He said to them, “I AM.”
So when He said to them, “I AM,” they
drew back and fell to the ground.
Jesus answered, “I told you that I AM.”
Picture the scene. Jesus was in a quiet garden on the Mount of
Olives praying. Suddenly, a group of over 600
men, Roman soldiers and high- ranking officials from the temple,
flood the area, carrying lanterns, torches, and weapons (Luke 22:39-47;
John 18:1-3). They said they were looking for Jesus the Nazarene. When Jesus replied, “I AM,” the entire mob
fell to the ground! Over 600 heavily armed men immediately fell down
because they were in the presence of Almighty
God! I AM; the very same God who
revealed Himself to Moses as I AM WHO I AM
(Exodus 3:14), revealed Himself
to this group of Romans and Jews, and the revelation forced them on their
faces before Him.
How does Jesus affect you? Spend this day thinking about Him. And when you are so overcome by His presence,
do not hesitate to fall before Him and acknowledge that He is God of you, the only I AM who has dominion over you.
Pray John
18:37 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful
watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“I AM, You said, ‘Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.’
May ________ and I be of the truth,
hear Your voice, and obey You.
In Your name, Jesus~”
*Most English translations of
the “I AM” passages in the book of John add the word He, thinking it helps the English translation makes more sense; “I
am He.” The translators often
italicize the word He because it is
not in the original manuscripts. We want the impact of Jesus’ words to be
understood; therefore, we have purposely left out the italicized He, so you can clearly see Jesus is
declaring He is God.
The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 3 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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