Wednesday, January 16, 2019

John 17 - Praying God's Word

Please read John 17.
Meditate on verse 20.

I do not ask on behalf of these alone,
but for those also who believe in Me through their word.

Ponder the fact that Jesus was thinking about you and praying for you in the hours leading up to His crucifixion.  Before He prayed for Himself (Luke 22:42), Jesus prayed for you: 

·      to have eternal life, so you can intimately know Him (v. 3).
·      to be kept by the Father in His name (v. 11).
·      to have His joy made full in you (v. 13).
·      to not be of the world just as Jesus is not of the world, and while you are in the world, for the Father to keep you from the evil one (vs. 14-15).
·      to be purified in the truth of His Word (v. 17).
·      to be perfected and unified with Himself, the Father, and other Christians, just as He and the Father are one. That oneness helps the world to know and believe in Jesus (vs. 21-23).
·      to be with Him so you can see His glory, the glory He gives to you.  (vs. 22, 24).
·      to have the love of the Father in you and for Jesus, Himself, to be in you (v. 26).

Reread John 17, thanking Jesus for what He has done for you.  As a faithful, prayerful watchman, pray John 17:2-3 over someone who needs to be one with the Father and the Son.

“Father, You gave Jesus authority over all flesh.
 Please give _________ to Him so they may have eternal life to know You,
 the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
In Your name, Jesus~”

The Watchman on the Wall 3 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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