Please read Proverbs 29.
Meditate on verse 23.
A man’s pride will bring him low,
but a humble spirit will obtain honor.
Pray Proverbs 29 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, please do not let _________ and me harden our necks
after much reproof; we do not want to be broken beyond remedy.
Let the righteous increase, so we can rejoice;
do not let the wicked rule, causing us to groan.
Let our children love wisdom and make us glad;
do not let them waste their wealth by keeping company with harlots.
Let our rulers bring stability to the land by justice;
do not let them take bribes, overthrowing the land.
Keep us from spreading a net for our steps by flattering our neighbor.
Do not let us be evil and ensnared by transgression.
Make us righteous so we can sing and rejoice.
Make us righteous so we are concerned for the rights of the poor.
Do not let us be wicked, not understanding such concern.
Scorners set a city aflame; make us wise people who turn away anger.
Make us wise; keep us from controversy with a foolish man,
for the foolish either rage or laugh, and there is no rest.
Keep us from men of bloodshed who hate the blameless;
make us upright, concerned for the life of the blameless.
Do not let us be fools, always losing our tempers;
make us wise, holding it back.
Do not let our rulers pay attention to falsehood,
for all their ministers become wicked.
LORD, You give light to our eyes.
Let our rulers judge the poor with truth,
so they will be established forever.
The rod and reproof give wisdom; do not let
our children get their own way, bringing shame to us.
Do not allow the wicked to increase; do not let
transgression increase; let the righteous see them fall.
Help us correct our children so they will
give us comfort and delight our souls.
Do not let us be unrestrained; we want Your vision, LORD!
Let us be happy as we keep the law.
As Your bondslaves, LORD, instruct us with Your Words.
Help us to understand and respond.
Do not let us be hasty in our words; do not let us be hopeless fools.
As we pamper our employee, may he become like a son.
Do not let us be angry, stirring up strife;
do not let us be hot-tempered, abounding in transgression.
Keep us from pride that brings us low;
give us a humble spirit that obtains honor.
Do not let us partner with a thief, hating our own life.
Keep us from making oaths to tell nothing.
Do not let us fear man, for that brings a snare.
Let us be exalted as we trust in You, LORD.
Many seek the ruler’s favor, but we know
that justice comes from You, LORD.
Keep us from unjust men; they are abominable.
Keep us upright in Your Way;
make us abominable to the wicked.
For the glory of Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 3 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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