Sunday, June 20, 2021

2 Chronicles 12 - Praying God's Word


Please read 2 Chronicles 12.

Meditate on verse 1.


When the kingdom of Rehoboam was

established and strong, he and all Israel with

him forsook the law of the LORD.


Ugh, as soon as I read 2 Chronicles 12:1, I wrote, “No, LORD!!!!!” in my Bible next to the verse in bright red ink with bright red stars at the beginning and end of the verse.  “Oh, LORD, why is it our sinful, prideful tendency to forsake You when things start going well?  LORD, help us!”


Well, the life lessons in this chapter are obvious, and the text is full of verses to pray, so let’s get started.  Use the words from 2 Chronicles 12:1-2, 5-9, and 12-14 to pray over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).


“LORD, when You establish and make __________ and me

strong, do not allow us to forsake You and Your law. 

Do not let us be unfaithful to You.  Do not let us

forsake You, so that You forsake us to our enemies.

 LORD, we humble ourselves and say, ‘LORD, You

are righteous.’  LORD, keep us humble so You do not

have to destroy us.  Grant us deliverance and do

 not pour out Your wrath on us.  Let us learn, without

having to become slaves to the world, the difference

between Your service and the service of the

kingdoms of the countries.  LORD, please do not take Your

shield of protection from us.  As we humble ourselves,

let Your anger be turned away from us, so as not to

destroy us completely.  Please let conditions be good in

our family.  We will strengthen ourselves in You, LORD.

 Do not let us do evil.  Let us set our hearts to seek You, LORD.

In Your name, Jesus~”



The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 4 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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