Friday, May 10, 2019

Romans 16 - Praying God's Word

Please read Romans 16.
Meditate on verses 25-27.

Now to Him who is able to establish you according
 to my Gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according
 to the revelation of the mystery which has been kept secret for long ages
 past, but now is manifested, and by the Scriptures of the
 prophets, according to the commandment of the eternal
 God, has been made known to all the nations, leading
 to obedience of faith; to the only wise God, through
 Jesus Christ, be the glory forever. Amen.

God inspired Paul to close this letter with these three verses, a single sentence, praising God, summarizing the letter, and catapulting believers to a greater relationship with Him. The sentence opens and closes, acknowledging God as the reason for Christianity and worthy of all praise:

Now to Him...the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever. 

Paul fills in the sentence with truths about God:
·      God is able.  “Able,” the Greek word dynamai, means power.1
God’s power establishes you in the Gospel.  Romans begins with the same word:

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation.
—Romans 1:16a 

·      God establishes the Gospel through the preaching of Jesus Christ.
·      At God’s command, His mystery, Jesus Christ is made apparent and visible.
·      God wills all nations to know these truths, believing and following Him.

Pray Romans 16:25-27, praising Almighty God.

“Now to You, Father, who is able
to establish _______ and me according to Your Gospel
and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according
 to the revelation of the mystery which has been
kept secret for long ages past, but now is manifested,
 and by the Scriptures of the prophets, according to Your
 commandment, Eternal God, has been made
 known to all the nations, leading to obedience of faith;
 to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever.  Amen.”

1.     Retrieved from

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