Please read Nehemiah 3.
Meditate on verse 12.
Next to him Shallum the son of Hallohesh,
the official of half the district of Jerusalem,
made repairs, he and his daughters.
Repair is a repeated word in this chapter. It is the Hebrew word chazaq, which means “to repair and strengthen, sustain, encourage, make bold and firm, to support”1 So many people were involved in repairing the walls and gates of Jerusalem. How encouraging this must have been to Nehemiah! And it was certainly a big deal to God because He recorded their names for eternity.
As you think about this chapter, let the Holy Spirit convict you of areas in your life and the lives of those you love that need repair. Let God encourage and sustain you to complete the task. Let Him give you the words and actions to embolden others to repair and rebuild, so they can be firm in Christ and His will. Making repairs is a big deal to God with eternal consequences.
Don’t procrastinate in making the repairs God tells you to make. Mend relationships; build your prayer life; strengthen your walk with Christ by faithfully being with His church and in His Word. Be firm in your commitment to follow Him.
Pray Nehemiah 3:20 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, help _________ and me zealously repair another section of our lives.
In Your name, Jesus~”
1. Retrieved from
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