Please read Numbers 2.
Meditate on verse 2.
The sons of Israel shall camp, each by his own
standard, with the banners of their fathers’ households;
they shall camp around the tent of meeting at a distance.
The Israelites set up camp with the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, in the center of camp. God’s presence and the worship of Him was at the center of Israelite life. Each tribe had a standard or a flag representing it, and each family in the tribe had a banner. The banner was the sign, the distinguishing mark, of that household.
Think about your life. What would others say is the center of your life? Is there a banner—evidence, proof, a distinguishing mark—that God is the center of your life, and you live to worship Him?
The Hebrew word translated “at a distance” in the meditation verse is neged, and it also means: “what is conspicuous, before your face, and in your view.”1 Ask the LORD to be the conspicuous, distinguishing mark on your life.
Use the words from Number 2:2 to pray over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, let _________ and me camp by Your standard, with
banners— miraculous signs—of You in our household.
Let us camp around Your presence, not at a distance,
but in sight of all You are doing.
In Your name, Jesus~”
1. Retrieved from
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