Friday, September 17, 2021

Job 37 - Praying God's Word


Please read Job 37.  Elihu is speaking.

Meditate on verse 14b.


Stand and consider the wonders of God.


This chapter concludes 37 days of tragedy, finger-pointing, questioning, defending, and trying to make sense of trials and suffering.  Thankfully, Job 37 points us to God, giving us a perfect segue into the final chapters of Job where we hear God speak.  Elihu tells Job to stand up and think about the wonderful works of God (v. 14).  It is a good command for us as well.  Life can be hard, and we can be tempted to crawl under the covers when faced with difficulties, adding depression to our struggles.  Heed this command from Job 37:14.  If you are physically able, get up; go outside; look at the clouds; look at the stars; look at the birds, the trees, the rocks, the flowers; and think about how amazingly wonderful God is.  Think about God and pray Job 37:5, 11-14, 16, and 22-24 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7). 


“LORD God, You thunder with Your voice wondrously, doing

 great things which ______________ and I cannot comprehend.

 You load the thick clouds with moisture, and You disperse

the cloud with Your lightning.  It changes direction, turning

around by Your guidance, that it may do whatever You

command it on the face of the inhabited earth. 

Whether for correction, or for Your world, or for

lovingkindness, You cause it to happen. 

We will stand and consider Your wonders, God. 

You are perfect in knowledge.  Around You is

awesome majesty.  You are the Almighty; LORD, let

 us find You!  You are exalted in power.  You will

 not do violence to justice and abundant

righteousness.  We fear You.  Give us Your wise heart.

 In Your name, Jesus~”


The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 4 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell



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