Please read Philippians 2.
Meditate on verse 3.
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit,
but with humility of mind regard one another
as more important than
Paul lived in a world ruled by Rome. The Roman empire was characterized by wealth,
luxury, and lack of virtue and decency.
Paul described the generation he lived in as “crooked and perverse
(Philippians 2:15).”
You live in a world that could be described the same
way: crooked, perverse, lacking virtue
and decency, a world where attaining luxury and wealth is the goal of many. Paul’s exhortation to the Christians at
Philippi is God’s exhortation to you: "Hold fast the Word of Life
(Philippians 2:16).”
Hold fast to God’s Word.
Filter everything you read and hear through the Truth, the Bible. Even seemingly good ideas are not necessarily
God’s ideas. For example, for decades
people have been concerned about their self-esteem. Everyone should have a good self-esteem,
Interestingly there is only one place in the Bible where
self and esteem are used in the same verse, Philippians 2:3. The King James translation says it this way,
“Let each esteem others better than themselves.” Immediately following that command, Jesus
Christ is given as the example of how He esteemed you better than Himself, so
much so, He died for you.
Do you esteem yourself or do you esteem others? Caring about the needs of others will fix the
“self-esteem” issues you may have.
Know God’s Word and do not be taken captive by the wisdom of
the world.
Pray Philippians 2:13-16 over yourself and those for whom
you are standing guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“God, you are at work
in _________ and me,
both to will and to
work for Your good pleasure.
Help us to do all
things without grumbling and disputing,
so we will prove
ourselves to be blameless and innocent.
May we be Your
children who are above reproach
in the midst of a
crooked and perverse generation.
May we appear as
lights in the world, holding fast the Word of Life,
so that in Your day,
Christ, we will have reason to glory
because we did not
run or toil in vain.
For the sake of Your
Name, Jesus~”
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