Please read Colossians 1.
Meditate on verse 17.
He (Jesus) is before all things,
and in Him all things hold together.
God had Paul write this letter to the Christians in Colossae
because they needed to know they were complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28). They needed to know they were not going to
fall apart because Jesus held them together.
God’s Word is timeless.
When God had Paul pen this letter 2000 years ago, He knew you would be
reading it today. God wanted you to know
you are complete in Christ, and you are not going to fall apart because Jesus
is holding you together.
There are at least 70 actions and attributes of Jesus in
this letter. Also listed are at least 70
things that you are if you are IN
Christ. Treasure hunt this letter and see
how many attributes you can find about Jesus and you. Write them on a piece of paper and keep it in
a place where you can read it anytime the enemy is lying to you about your
Colossians also contains powerful prayers. One of those is a prayer that Paul even prayed
over those for whom he was standing guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman
(Isaiah 62:6-7).
Pray Colossians 1:9-14 over those you love.
“Lord, I do not cease
to pray for ____________
asking You to fill
them with the knowledge of Your will
in all spiritual
wisdom and understanding,
so that they will
walk in a manner worthy of You,
to please You in all
bearing fruit in
every good work
and increasing in the
knowledge of You, God.
Strengthen them with
all power
according to Your
glorious might
for the attaining of
all steadfastness and patience.
I joyously give
thanks to You, Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the
saints in Light.
Rescue ___________
from the domain of darkness,
and transfer them to
Your kingdom.
In You, Jesus, we
have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
For the sake of Your
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