Please read Deuteronomy 8.
Meditate on verse 3b.
Man does not live by bread alone,
but man lives by everything that proceeds
out of the mouth of the LORD.
As you hold the Bible, the Words that proceed from the mouth of the LORD, ponder His desire to strengthen and sustain you with every word in it. Think about your favorite food, something you crave, something that instantly makes your stomach growl. Ask God to give you the same craving hunger for His Word. Ask Him to awaken you every morning with the insatiable desire to feed on His Words. And just as you eat food throughout the day, meditate on verses from the Bible throughout the day.
There is a lot to chew from this chapter. As you do, pray Deuteronomy 8:3, 6, 10-14, and 16-18 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“Make _______ and me understand we
do not live by bread alone, but
we live by everything that proceeds
out of Your mouth, LORD.
Help us keep Your commandments
to walk in Your ways and fear You.
When we eat and are satisfied, let us
bless You for the good You give us.
Do not let us forget You, LORD our God, by
not keeping Your commandments and Your
ordinances and your statutes. When we eat and are
satisfied, and build good houses and live in them,
and when our herds and flocks multiply, and our
silver and gold multiply, and all we have multiplies,
do not let our heart become proud and forget
You, LORD our God, who brought us out of slavery to sin.
As You humble and test us to do good for us
in the end, let us never say in our heart,
‘My power and the strength of my hand made me this wealth.’
Let us remember that You, LORD our
God, give us power to make wealth.
For the glory of Your name, Jesus~”
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