Please read Romans 14.
Meditate on verses 16-17.
Therefore do not let what is for you a good thing be spoken of as evil;
For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking,
but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Romans 14 gives you God’s perspective on religious
legalism. Are you doing certain things
because somebody said you had to do that to be right with God? Are you teaching others they must not eat or
drink certain things or go to church on a certain day in order to really be
right with God? God’s Word says to stop
judging one another, but rather determine that you are not putting an obstacle
in a brother’s way (Romans 14:13).
When you serve Christ out of righteousness, peace, and joy
in the Holy Spirit, then you are acceptable to God (Romans 14:17-18). Take some time to think about your life; the
way you treat others and talk to and about them. Is your life characterized by righteousness,
joy, and peace?
Pray Romans 14:17-21 over yourself and those for whom you
are standing guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman.
“LORD, help us to
remember that Your Kingdom is not eating and drinking.
Help us to live for
what Your Kingdom is about:
righteousness and
peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Help us serve You, Jesus,
in this way to be
acceptable to God and approved by men.
May we pursue the
things which make for peace
and the building up of one another.
Do not let us tear
down Your work, God, for the sake of food.
LORD, help us not to
do anything
which makes a brother
In Your Name, Jesus~”
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