Please read Romans 12.
Meditate on and memorize verse 9.
Let love be without hypocrisy.
Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
This is an amazing chapter full of actions and attributes
that typify a follower of Christ.
Depending on how you count, approximately 40 of them are listed in these
21 verses. You could take a phrase or
two a day and ask the LORD to make it more evident in your life. For example, “LORD, help me to abhor what is
evil and cling to what is good.”
Walking with Jesus and being pleasing to Him will change
your day and the day of those around you for the good of Christ’s Kingdom.
Pray Romans 12:1-2 over yourself and those you love.
“LORD, help my family
to present our bodies as living and holy sacrifices, acceptable to You, which
is our spiritual service of worship.
Do not let us be
conformed to this world, but let us be transformed
by the renewing of
our minds, so that we may prove what Your will is, God, that which is good and
acceptable and perfect.
In Your name, Jesus~”
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