Please read 2 Kings 25.
Meditate on verse 29.
Jehoiachin changed his prison clothes
and had his meals in the king’s presence
regularly all the days of his life.
2 Kings 25 records the third siege of Jerusalem, its total destruction, and the final deportation of Israelites to Babylon. It’s a sad chapter, illustrating the devastation of sin. Interestingly, the last four verses of 2 Kings are like a surprise ending to a book riddled with sin and its consequences. Jehoiachin was shown mercy by the king of Babylon and released from his prison. He was given a change of clothes, so he no longer wore prison garb. The king spoke kindly to Jehoichin and allowed him to eat meals in his presence all the days of his life (vs. 27-30).
Jehoiachin’s story foreshadows the salvation provided by King Jesus. When you become a Christian, you are released from your prison of sin and given Jesus’ robe of righteousness to wear (Isaiah 61:10). Christ speaks kindly to you and provides for all of your daily needs (Titus 3:4-7). He even invites you to eat with Him (Revelation 3:20). What an amazing story of salvation! What an amazing God who writes His salvation message into every page of the Bible!
Pray 2 Kings 25:27-30 in thanksgiving for what Jesus has done for you.
“LORD, thank You for releasing me from my prison of sin.
Thank You for speaking kindly to me.
Thank You for changing me out of my prison clothes
and allowing me to eat in Your presence regularly
all the days of my life. Thank for giving me a portion
for each day all the days of my life.
In Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 3 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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