Please read Ezekiel 24.
Meditate on verse 13. The LORD is speaking.
"In your filthiness is lewdness. Because
I would have cleansed you,
yet you are not clean; you will not be
cleansed from your filthiness again
until I have spent My wrath on you.”
On the day the king of Babylon began his third and final siege of Jerusalem, God gave Ezekiel another parable (vs. 2-3). He compared the people to a rusty pot boiled so vigorously that its filthiness melted away; its rust was consumed (vs. 3-11). God gave the people every opportunity to return to Him, yet they refused; therefore, His wrath would cleanse them of their filthy sins (vs. 12-14).
Then, the LORD again made Ezekiel a living sermon illustration the day his wife died (vs. 16-18). Her death and the way Ezekiel handled it made such an impact, the people were finally ready to hear what the LORD had to say (vs. 19-24).
These words from God are sobering. Pray for those you love to repent before it is too late. Listen to God today, so He does not have to use a tragedy to get you to listen tomorrow.
Pray Ezekiel 24:13-14 in repentance, petition, and intercession over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, in our filthiness is lewdness.
Please cleanse us so You do not
have to spend Your wrath on us.
Relent and have pity on us.
Please be sorry for us. Cleanse us so
You do not have to judge us
according to our ways and according to our deeds.
Because of Your salvation, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the WALL, 3 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell