Monday, September 25, 2017

Jeremiah 18 - Praying God's Word

Please read Jeremiah 18.
Meditate on verse 6.

“Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you
as this potter does?” declares the LORD. 
“Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand,
so are you in My hand, O house of Israel.”

God sent Jeremiah to the potter’s house for another sermon illustration. Jeremiah watched the potter remake a spoiled vessel into a vessel that pleased him. God told Jeremiah He would use calamity to reshape Judah into a nation pleasing to Him (v. 11).
The people responded to God’s invitation to repent with willful disobedience.
“We are going to follow our own plans,
and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart.”
—Jeremiah 18:12b

God called them appalling (v. 13). He promised calamity, and when it came, they would only see God’s back and not His face (v. 17).
Hear and heed the Word of the LORD! If you are a child of God, He will mold you into a vessel pleasing to Him. And you have a choice to make. You can be a malleable vessel, easily molded by the Potter. Or you can be a stubborn vessel fighting His every touch. It is a pathetic place to be when God fashions calamity because a person refuses to be fashioned by their Creator.
Pray Jeremiah 18:4 and 6 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).

“LORD, forgive _________ and me for being spoiled.
 Make us into vessels that please You.
 We want to be clay in Your hands that You mold,
not clay that You have to deal with. 
In Your name, Jesus~”

The WATCHMAN on the WALL 2 ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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