Please read Jeremiah 23.
It describes your world.
Meditate on verse 28b.
Let him who has My Word speak My Word in truth.
God addressed preachers, prophets, teachers, and anyone who
declared, “I have a word from the LORD.” God is against those who prophesy
false dreams and declare lies in His name (vs. 31-32). He warned people not to
claim revelation from the LORD that is actually born from “the deception of
their own heart” (v. 26).
Do not be deceived! Everything you read and hear must be filtered
through the truth of the Bible. If someone declares they have a word from the
LORD, it must not contradict the LORD’s Word; if it does, that person has
“perverted the Words of the living God” (v. 36).
As you continue to read and study the Bible, you will be
able to discern truth from lies. Ask God to give you His Biblical worldview.
Pray Jeremiah 23:22 and 28 over yourself and those for whom
you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, let ________ and me announce Your Words to Your people.
Use Your Words to turn us back from our evil way
and from the evil of our deeds.
We have Your Word; let us speak Your Word in truth.
In Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the
WALL 2 ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell