Sunday, April 30, 2017

Judges 17 - Praying God's Word

Please read Judges 17.
Meditate on verse 6.

In those days there was no king in Israel;
every man did what was right in his own eyes.

Observe every man doing what was right in his own eyes, yet evil in the eyes of God:
·      Micah’s mother asked God to bless her son after he stole from her (v. 2).
·      She dedicated the stolen silver to the LORD then gave it back to Micah to make idols (v. 3).
·      Micah made a shrine for the idols and kept them in his home.  He made one of his sons a priest to serve his idols (v. 5).
·      A Levite, willing to stay anywhere, lived in Micah’s house of idols (vs. 9-11).
·      Micah thought the LORD would bless him because he made the Levite his personal priest (vs. 12-13).

There are staggering parallels from Micah’s story with people today. Parents bless their disobedient, rebellious children with more and more toys and gadgets instead of disciplining them, admonishing them in the fear of God. Money is used to buy things that detract from time and devotion to the LORD. Children are encouraged to serve those idols instead of serving God. The LORD is not consulted about where to go and what to do. In the midst of their idolatry, people call on the name of the LORD to invoke His blessings on them. “LORD, convict us!”
Pray the opposite of Judges 17:6 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).

“LORD, be King in my family! 
Let us stop doing what is right in our own eyes
and do what is right in Your eyes.
In Your name, Jesus~”

The Watchman on the Wall 2 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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