Monday, May 1, 2017

Judges 18 - Praying God's Word

Please read Judges 18.
Meditate on verse 20.

The priest’s heart was glad, and he took the ephod
and household idols and the graven image and went among the people.

Observe Micah’s priest:

·      He told the evil Danites what they wanted to hear, lying that God approved of the way they were going (vs. 5-6).
·      He kept silent as the Danites stole from Micah (vs. 18-19).
·      He was glad at the thought of being priest to the tribe of Dan instead of only one man (vs. 19-20).

Can you relate to this priest? Do you find yourself telling people what they want to hear instead of what God’s Word says? Do you give others the false notion that their sin is okay with God? Do you keep quiet about sin instead of speaking up for righteousness? Are you willing to do sinful things in order to be popular? Are you so glad to be part of a group that you are willing to compromise your Christian integrity?

“Every man did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 17:6). Ask God to give you His eyes to see sins’ consequences and the courage to take His stand against it.
Use the words from Judges 18:5-6 to inquire of the LORD about the way you are going.

“God, let ______ and me know whether our way on which
 we are going is actually Your way, so it will be prosperous. 
Then, let us go in peace because Your way
 in which we are going has Your approval.
In Your name, Jesus~” 

The Watchman on the Wall 2 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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