Please read Jonah 1.
Meditate on verse 17.
And the LORD appointed a great fish to swallow Jonah,
and Jonah was in the stomach of the fish three days and three nights.
But He (Jesus) answered and said to them,
“An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign;
and yet no sign will be given to
it but the sign of Jonah the prophet;
for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the
sea monster,
so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of
the earth.”
—Matthew 12:39-40
Jonah’s story foreshadowed the life and death of Jesus
The same LORD who hurled a great wind on the sea
to break up Jonah’s boat commanded the winds to hush and be still when He was
awakened on a storm-tossed ship (Jonah 1:4; Mark 4:37-39).
The sailors on Jonah’s ship did not want
innocent blood on their hands (Jonah 1:14).
At the crucifixion, Pilate washed his hands of Jesus’ blood; the crowd
said His blood would be on them and their children (Matthew 27:24-25).
Jonah’s time in the belly of the great fish
foreshadowed where Jesus went prior to His resurrection (Ephesians 4:9-10).
God’s Word is amazing!
Ever page tells the story of Jesus.
Be fascinated by your LORD as you ponder Him on the pages of Jonah.
Pray Jonah 1:9 and 14 over yourself and those for whom you
stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD God of heaven who made the sea and the dry land,
may _________ and I fear You. We earnestly pray, O LORD,
do not let us perish on account of __________, and do not put innocent
blood on us.
O LORD, do as You please in the life of ____________.
For the sake of Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the
WALL 2 ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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