Please read
Ephesians 2.
Meditate on verse
But now in Christ Jesus, you who
formerly were far off
have been brought near by the
blood of Christ.
In this chapter,
Paul teaches amazing things about God’s love for you and the power of Jesus’
work in your life.
Despite being
dead, walking according to the world, disobedient, full of lusts in the flesh
and mind, and being a child of wrath, God in His rich mercy and great love
makes you alive and seated with Jesus in heaven (vs. 1-6).
Ponder these
truths applied to your life:
- Jesus saves you
by grace through faith—it is God’s gift (vs. 8-9).
- You are His
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works (v. 10).
- You were
uncircumcised, separate from Christ, excluded from Israel, strangers to the
covenants, having no hope, without God and far off (vs. 11-12). But now, you are brought near to Him (v. 13).
- No longer
strangers and aliens, now fellow citizens with the saints, of God’s
household—you are part of the family of God built upon Jesus your cornerstone
(vs. 19-20).
Take advantage of
this treasure and treasured life. The Creator
of the universe went to all of this trouble, so you can draw near to Him and
walk with Him (v. 18).
Pray Ephesians 2:1
and 13 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful,
prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, ___________ is dead in
their trespasses and sins;
please bring them near to You.
I was formerly far off from You;
thank You for bringing me near
by the blood of Christ.
In Your name, Jesus ~”
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