Please read
Ephesians 1.
As you read,
notice what God does because of “His will” and for “the praise of His glory.”
Meditate on verses
He predestined us to adoption as
through Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the kind intention
of His will, to
the praise of the glory of His
which He freely bestowed on us in
the Beloved.
The Truths of God
in this chapter are like waves of the ocean on a beach—they keep miraculously
coming. Ponder these waves of glorious
has blessed you with every spiritual blessing (v. 3).
chose you before the foundation (creation) of the world (v. 4).
predestined you to adoption as His child (v. 5).
gave you His redemption and forgiveness (v. 7).
lavished His rich grace on you (vs. 7-8).
sealed you in Jesus with the Holy Spirit (v. 13).
Wow, and those are
only a handful of the waves in this incredible chapter! Spend time today praising the LORD for all He
has done and is doing in your life. Ask
Him to make you more aware of who He is and what He is doing as you walk with
Pray Ephesians
1:17 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful
watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“God of our LORD Jesus
Christ, the Father of glory,
give _______ and me a spirit
of wisdom
and of revelation in the knowledge of You.
In Your name, Jesus ~”
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