Please read Proverbs 1.
Meditate on verse 7.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Over the month of May, you will read through the book of
Proverbs. Proverbs is packed with verses
you can pray to the Lord concerning issues in your life and in the lives of
those you love. A proverb is a short sentence that expresses a truth. Each chapter of Proverbs is a treasure chest
of truths for following God and growing in character.
True wisdom is best defined as having God’s perspective
about something. If you have God’s
perspective, then your mind is being transformed to think like God thinks
(Romans 12:2).
Pray Proverbs 1:2-7 over yourself and those for whom you
stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, help ___________ and me
to know wisdom and instruction,
to discern the sayings of understanding,
to receive Your instruction in
wise behavior, righteousness, justice, and equity;
to give prudence to the naive,
to give the youth knowledge and discretion.
Make us wise so we will hear and increase in learning.
Make us understanding so we will receive wise counsel.
Help us understand these proverbs.
Help us understand the wise and their riddles.
Help us to fear You, Lord, as the first step in knowledge.
Let us not be fools who despise wisdom and instruction.
In Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the
WALL ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell