Monday, December 22, 2014

Psalm 73 ~ Praying God's Word

Please read Psalm 73.
Meditate on verses 16 and 17.

When I pondered to understand this, it was troublesome in my sight;
 until I came into the sanctuary of God, then I perceived their end.

The psalmist, Asaph, described a troubling situation in Psalm 73.  He observed the prosperity of the wicked and envied the arrogant (v. 3).  The wicked seemed to always be at ease while he was stricken all day long, even though he had kept his heart pure and his hands innocent (vs. 12-14).  Nothing made sense until Asaph came into the sanctuary of the LORD, then he understood these truths about the wicked (v.17):

            *God set them in slippery places (v. 18).
            *God cast them down to destruction (v. 18).
            *They are destroyed in a moment (v. 19).
            *They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors (v. 19).
            *The LORD will despise their form (v. 20).

Prior to gaining God’s perspective, Asaph was embittered and senseless; he was like a beast before the LORD (Psalm 73:21-22).  Being in God’s presence gave Asaph insight and understanding into what was going on around him.

Does the news and what is going on around you make you crazy?  Are there people and things in your life that make no sense?  You need time-out with your LORD.  Reading the Bible and talking to God will give you His perspective on the situation and bring you peace.

Pray Psalm 73:23-28 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).

“LORD, thank You that ________ and I are continually with You!
Take hold of our right hands. 
Guide us with Your counsel,
and afterward receive us to glory.
Whom have we in heaven but You?
And besides You, we desire nothing on earth.
Our flesh and our hearts may fail,
but God, be the strength of our hearts and our portion forever.
Do not let _________ be far from You; do not let them be unfaithful to You.
The nearness of You is our good; LORD God, we make You our refuge.
Let us tell of Your works.
For the sake of Your name, Jesus~”

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