Thursday, March 10, 2022

Exodus 19 - Praying God's Word


Please read Exodus 19.

Meditate on verses 5-6a.


Now then, if you will indeed obey

My voice and keep My covenant,

 then you shall be My own possession

 among all the peoples,

 for all the earth is Mine;

and you shall be to Me

a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.


In order to belong to God, the Israelites had to obey Him and keep His covenant.  In order for you to belong to God, you must obey His command to come to Him through a covenant relationship with Jesus Christ (John 14:6).  You have access to something even more wonderful than the Israelites—that covenant relationship lets you abide in God, not just gaze up at Him from the foot of a mountain.  Jesus Himself said, “In that day, you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you” (John 14:20).

When you belong to God, He says words to you that are similar to what He said to the children of Israel:

But you are a chosen race, a

royal priesthood, a holy nation,

a people for God’s own possession, so

that you may proclaim the excellencies

of Him who has called you out of

darkness into His marvelous light;

for you once were not a people,

but now you are the people of God…

—1 Peter 2:9-10a


As a faithful, prayerful watchman, pray Exodus 19:5-6 over someone who needs to be in a covenant relationship with the LORD.


“LORD, let ______ obey Your

voice and keep Your covenant.

 May they become Your own possession

 and a part of Your kingdom

of priests and holy nation.

Through You, Jesus Christ, our Savior~”


The WATCHMAN on the WALL  ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell



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