Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Jeremiah 34 - Praying God's Word


Please read Jeremiah 34.


Meditate on verses 15b-16a.


You had made a covenant before Me in

the house which is called by My name. 

Yet you turned and profaned My name…


King Zedekiah, his officials, and some of the people made a covenant to free their Hebrew servants.  They cut a calf in half and passed between the pieces.  Vows were made saying if they did not keep the promises, may what happened to the animal or worse happen to them.  They freed the servants as promised but then took them back.  They wanted their servants more than they wanted to keep their covenant vows.

God was mad!  Because of their broken covenant promises, worse would happen to them—their dead bodies would become bird and animal food (vs. 17-20).

Do not think for a moment that God takes cutting covenant lightly.  When a married couple says, “I promise to love, honor, and cherish you until death,” what is ringing in the ears of Almighty God is, “If I do not love, honor, and cherish you, may what happened to this sacrificed animal or worse happen to me.”  Covenants are made to NEVER be broken (The Covenant Maker by Marsha Harvell).

As a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7), use Jeremiah 34:14-16 to pray for yourself and those you love to keep your covenant promises.


“LORD, let ________ and me obey You

 and incline our ear to You.

Help us turn and do what is right in Your sight.

Let us keep the covenants we have made before You;

do not let us turn from those covenants and profane Your name.

For Your name's sake, Jesus~”


The WATCHMAN on the WALL 2 ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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