Please read Jeremiah 28.
Meditate on verse 15.
Then Jeremiah the prophet said to Hananiah the prophet,
“Listen now, Hananiah, the LORD has not sent you,
and you have made this people
trust in a lie.”
Jeremiah was preaching the yoke sermon when another prophet,
Hananiah, started preaching a false yoke sermon. Hananiah preached what the
people wanted to hear instead of the truth of God’s Word. He told the people
their exile to Babylon would last a brief two years then everything would be
back to normal. Hananiah even took the yoke off of Jeremiah’s neck and broke
it. God told Jeremiah to tell Hananiah his false prophecy would put the people
into yokes of iron, and he would be dead within that year because he had
counseled rebellion against the LORD (vs. 1-17).
Hear and heed the Word of the LORD (Jeremiah 13:15)!
Appraise what you hear and read by the Word of God. Are you trusting in the
truth of the Bible, or are you trusting in a lie? Ironclad bondage occurs when
you do not hear the true Word from God.
Use Jeremiah 28:15-16 to pray for God’s protection from the
“Hananiahs,” for yourself and those whom you stand guard as a faithful,
prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, protect _________ and me from false prophets like Hananiah,
prophets that You have not sent.
Do not let us trust in a lie.
Let us not listen to anyone who
would counsel rebellion against You, LORD.
For Your name’s sake, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the
WALL 2 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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