Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Isaiah 2 ~ Praying God's Word

Please read Isaiah 2.
Meditate on verse 11.

The proud look of man will be abased
 and the loftiness of man will be humbled,
 and the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.

Isaiah 2 sets the stage for why you need a Savior. The people in Isaiah’s day were consumed with themselves. They were influenced by the world instead of God. They had lots of stuff, and they worshipped their accomplishments instead of worshipping God. It’s amazing how nothing has changed in 2,700 years! “LORD, save us from ourselves!”
Verses 19-20 say men will go into caves and holes in the ground. They would rather hang out with moles and bats than humble themselves before the LORD. Pride drives people to pathetic places.
God promises a day of reckoning against everyone who is proud, lofty, and lifted up.
Pray Isaiah 2:5, 11, and 22 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).

“LORD, help _________ and me stop
regarding and esteeming man instead of You.
May we remove our proud looks
 and humble our loftiness. 
Let us exalt You, LORD. 
May we walk in Your light.
In Your name, Jesus~”

The WATCHMAN on the WALL ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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