Sunday, December 20, 2015

Genesis 40 ~ Praying God's Word

Please read Genesis 40.
Meditate on verse 23.

Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph,
but forgot him.

Notice the time phrases in Genesis 40. “Then it came about after these things ...” (v.1). “When Joseph came to them in the morning ...” (v. 6). “Thus it came about on the third day ...” (v. 20).
“Timing is everything” is certainly true in Genesis 40. The cupbearer and baker had to offend Pharaoh after Joseph was put in jail, so Joseph could be in jail with them the morning after they had disturbing dreams, so he could interpret their dreams, so three days later they could—forget about Joseph!
Does God’s timing ever make you want to scream? The cupbearer forgot Joseph! How was that even possible? It happened because it was not time for the cupbearer to remember Joseph. God had much bigger plans for Joseph’s life than just whisking him out of prison and back home to daddy. In God’s timing, Joseph will ...
Well, you will get to read another time phrase tomorrow. Until then, ponder this:
While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth.
 —Luke 2:6

Approximately 730,000 days were completed from the time of God’s first promise to Abraham of Messiah (Genesis 12:3) until Jesus was born. The Old Testament faithful believed God would keep His promise of Messiah (Hebrews 11). God kept His promise; Jesus was born when God’s fullness of time came (Galatians 4:4).
Do you feel forgotten? Have you felt forgotten for quite some time now? Be encouraged by God’s planning and God’s timing. Joseph had to be in prison at the perfect time for a certain number of days for God’s plan to work. Jesus had to come to earth in the full, completed timing of God for God’s plan to work.
As a faithful, prayerful watchman use Genesis 40:23 to pray over those who feel forgotten.
“LORD, _________ feels forgotten.
They think no one remembers them.

Let them know that You and I remember them.
In Your name, Jesus~”

Call that person today and tell them you are praying for them.  If possible, spend time with them this Christmas.

The WATCHMAN on the WALL ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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