Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Leviticus 27 - Praying God's Word


Please read Leviticus 27.

Notice the repeated words value and valuation.

As you read, ask the LORD how much He values you.

Meditate on verse 2b.


When a man makes a difficult

vow, he shall be valued

according to your valuation of

 persons belonging to the LORD.


When a man made a vow to God beyond his power to keep, he could buy back what he had promised.  The children of Israel promised to be obedient to do all God commanded (Exodus 19:8; 24:3, 7).  This was an impossible vow to keep, and the LORD’s sacrificial system was the required payment for those broken vows. Leviticus ends with the payment necessary to redeem human life.

No human vow can dedicate you to the LORD.  Rash promises are vain attempts to get to God.  What could even begin to redeem humanity?  

You were not redeemed with

 perishable things like silver or gold

from your futile way of life

 inherited from your forefathers,

 but with precious blood, as of a lamb

unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.

—1 Peter 1:18-19


The blood of Jesus redeems your difficult vows, your disobedience, your uncleanness, everything that makes it impossible to be devoted to God.  God values your life with the life of His Son.  What an appropriate ending to this book fulfilled completely by Jesus Christ!

Pray Leviticus 27:29 in thanksgiving for what Jesus did for you and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).


“LORD, You were set apart among men,

 not to be ransomed, but to be the ransom for

many (Matthew 20:28). You were surely

 put to death for ________ and me.

Thank You, Jesus~”


The WATCHMAN on the WALL – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell





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