Friday, July 10, 2020

Psalm 39 - Praying God's Word

Please read Psalm 39.
Meditate on verses 1-2.

I said, “I will guard my ways that I may not sin with my tongue;
 I will guard my mouth as with a muzzle while the wicked are in my presence.”
 I was mute and silent; I refrained even from good, and my sorrow grew worse.

Have you ever been in a situation where the conversation was ungodly, and lies were spoken as if they were truths, and you said not a word? David was in that situation in Psalm 39. He was with some wicked people, and he determined not to sin with his tongue, so he didn’t say anything, not even anything good; he was miserable! David eventually spoke, and when he did, he talked to his LORD, confessing his sins, putting his hope in God, and asking Him not to make him the reproach of the foolish (vs. 7-8).
What do you fear, the reproach of people or the reproach of the LORD? Are you more concerned about pleasing others when you speak, or do you want the words of your mouth to please Jesus? Commit to speak the truth of God’s Word to everyone around you.
Pray Psalm 39:4, 7-8, and 12a over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).

“LORD, make _______ and me to know our end
 and what is the extent of our days;
let us know how transient we are.
 And now, LORD, for what do we wait?
 Our hope is in You.
 Deliver us from all our transgressions;
make us not the reproach of the foolish.
 Hear our prayer, O LORD, and give ear to our cry. 
For Your name’s sake, Jesus~”

The WATCHMAN on the WALL, Volume 2 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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