Thursday, December 6, 2018

Genesis 26 - Praying God's Word

Please read Genesis 26.
Meditate on this sentence from verse 28.

We see plainly that the LORD has been with you.

Isaac probably learned from his father Abraham to call his wife his sister when he feared another man might hurt him because she was pretty (Genesis 12:11-20; 20:1-18; 26:6-11). Yet, despite generational sin and lack of good judgment, God chose to bless Isaac. God said Abraham obeyed Him and kept His charge, His commandments, His statutes, and His laws (Genesis 26:5). Thankfully God is merciful to iniquities and remembers sins no more (Hebrews 8:12). He obviously chose to forget Abraham and Isaac’s sins.
The remainder of the chapter tells about Isaac getting richer and richer, of people being jealous of his prosperity and trying to sabotage him, and of God moving Isaac and caring for him and his family. God renewed the covenant promises He made to Isaac’s father, Abraham. He promised to be with Isaac, to bless him, and multiply his descendants. God promised Isaac these things because of His love and commitment to Abraham (Genesis 26:24).
Does your walk with God reflect a life that brings blessings to your family? Are you passing down generational sin or generational blessing because of a faithful walk with Christ? Do people “see plainly that the LORD has been with you” (Genesis 26:28)?
Pray Genesis 26:4-5 and 28 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, help me to obey You and keep Your charge,
commandments, statutes, and laws,

so my descendants will be blessed.
May people plainly see
that You are with __________ and me.
In Your name, Jesus”

The WATCHMAN on the WALL ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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