Please read 2 Corinthians 11.
Meditate on verse 14.
No wonder, for even Satan
disguises himself as an angel of light.
The church had been in earthly existence approximately 22 years when Paul wrote this letter to the Christians in Corinth. In that short amount of time, there were already people preaching a different Jesus, a different spirit, and a different gospel. Times have not changed, and there are still plenty of cults and world religions that preach differently; often the preaching is based on revelations by an angel of light.
Do not be deceived! Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. He never was and never will be an angel of light. In fact the Bible does not mention an angel of light. Jesus is the Light. Satan pretends to be an angel of light, so he can trick people into false christs, false spirits, false scripture, and false teaching. Hundreds of thousands of people have believed the father of lies (John 8:44). Are you one of them? Do you know someone who has been led astray by the liar, Satan, who has no truth in him (John 8:44)?
Pray 2 Corinthians 11:3 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, do not let _________ and me be like Eve
who was deceived by the craftiness of the serpent.
May our minds not be led astray
the simplicity and purity of devotion to You, Christ.
In Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the WALL ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell
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