Please read 2 Samuel 1.
Meditate on verse 16.
David said to him, “Your blood is on your head, for your mouth
has testified against you, saying, ‘I have killed the LORD’s
The true account of Saul’s death is recorded in 1
Samuel 31. The Amalekite in this chapter gave a very different version of Saul’s
death. This young man wanted to be a hero by telling David he killed Saul. His
deceitful, prideful words resulted in his death.
Remember this story when you are tempted to tell an
embellished tale of your accomplishments. Ask yourself these questions: Is it the
truth? Even if it is, does it need to be told? If so, who is glorified in the
telling, you or God?
Use the words from 2 Samuel 1:16 to pray over yourself and
those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah
“LORD, do not let ___________ and my mouth testify against us.
In Your name, Jesus~”
As you prepare for celebrating Jesus’ birth, you
will continue to read the story of King David, the great, great, great ...
grandfather of Jesus. David’s story foreshadows Messiah’s coming. In today’s
reading, the Amalekite symbolizes Satan, who thought he killed the LORD’s
Anointed on the cross. On the third day (v. 2), the Amalekite came to David,
and his lie was exposed. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead; Satan’s
lie was exposed, and he was defeated.
Pray 2 Samuel 1:16 in thanksgiving for Jesus’ triumph over
“LORD, thank You that Satan did not kill Your Anointed.
Thank You that Satan’s blood is on his head for the lies his mouth
Because of Your blood, Jesus~”
The Watchman on the
Wall 2 – Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell