Saturday, January 21, 2017

Exodus 23 - Praying God's Word

Please read Exodus 23.
Meditate on verse 13a.

Now concerning everything which I have said to you, be on your guard...

As you continue to read the laws in Exodus, observe that the LORD is the one speaking. You are reading the words of Almighty God, not the opinions of Moses or any other human. As you ponder the Words of the LORD, ask God to give you His heart to know Him more intimately and to understand the importance of His 613 laws.
Notice God promises to guard you when you obey Him (vs. 20-21). People want God’s blessings. Blessings come from walking in obedience to the LORD, serving the LORD, and not rebelling against Him.
As you continue to learn God’s Word, be on your guard to keep God’s Word. When we obey God, it goes well with us (Jeremiah 7:23).
Pray Exodus 23:2a, 13, and 25 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).

“LORD, do not let _________ and me follow the masses in doing evil.
Let us be on our guard concerning everything You have said to us.
 Do not let us mention the name of other gods,
 nor let them be heard from our mouth.
Let us only serve You, LORD our God.
Please bless our bread and water,
and remove sickness from our midst.
In Your name, Jesus~”

The WATCHMAN on the WALL 2 ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell

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