Thursday, September 4, 2014

Jeremiah 16 ~ Praying God's Word

Please read Jeremiah 16.
Meditate on and memorize verse 21.

Behold, I am going to make them know
this time I will make them know My power and My might;
 and they shall know that My name is the LORD.

Up to this point in Israel’s history, the nation was famous for the LORD bringing them out slavery in Egypt.  God was about to banish them to Babylon because of the stubbornness of their evil heart and refusal to listen to Him.  From that point on, they would be remembered for the LORD restoring them to their own land from Babylon and all the other countries He scattered them as punishment for forsaking Him (Jeremiah 16:10-15).  The Babylonian exile became a cornerstone in Israel’s history.

God was and still is unrelenting in His pursuit of Israel.  His eyes are on all their ways.  He brings calamity on them rather than allowing them to continue in their iniquity because He wants the people to know that they know that they know He is the LORD (Jeremiah 16:10, 17, 21).

The LORD pursues you and those you love with the same diligence.  He wants you to know that you know that you know He is the LORD and in Him is power and might. He wants you to be like Jeremiah who intimately knew God as his LORD, his strength, his stronghold, and his refuge in the day of trouble (Jeremiah 16:19). 

To whom would God compare you?  Are you like the Israelites asking, “For what reason has the LORD declared all this great calamity against us?” (Jeremiah 16:10). Or are you like Jeremiah knowing and trusting God?

Pray Jeremiah 16:19 and 21 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).

“LORD, You are _______ and my strength and stronghold. 
You are our refuge in the day of distress. 
_________ has inherited nothing but falsehood, futility, and things of no profit. 
Make them know—this time make them know Your power and might.
 Make them know Your name is the LORD.
In whose name I pray, LORD Jesus~”

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