Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jeremiah 8 ~ Praying God's Word

Please read Jeremiah 8.
Meditate on and memorize what the LORD had Jeremiah say in verse 7.

My people do not know the ordinance of the LORD.

Jeremiah preached to people who chose to live in sin and wickedness instead of the LORD’s righteousness.  Choosing sin was choosing death, and the time would come when the people would be left with only dead bones to spread out to the sun, moon, and stars they worshipped (Jeremiah 8:1-2). 

The people were in a pathetic place because they did not know the ordinances of God.  They surrounded themselves with people who condoned their behavior instead of hearing and heeding the Word of the LORD.   The scribes wrote lies; the wise men rejected God’s Word, so they had demonic wisdom not God’s wisdom (James 3:15).  The people were not ashamed of their disgusting behavior (Jeremiah 8:8-9, 12).

Jeremiah preached God’s Word; he told about the coming judgment if the people refused to repent.   The horrible sin, lack of repentance, and impending destruction and death caused Jeremiah to be sorrowful beyond healing.  His heart was faint within him; he mourned and was broken for the brokenness of his people (Jeremiah 8:18, 21).

What is your attitude toward sin?  Does it break your heart to see lives destroyed by it?  Does sin grieve you?  Do you hear and heed what is written condoning behavior that is an abomination to God or do you hear and heed what God wrote?  Your world is grievously similar to Jeremiah’s.  Will you choose death or life?

Pray Jeremiah 8:7 and 13a over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).

“LORD, even the stork, the turtledove, the swift, and the thrush know the seasons and the migrations You have appointed for them. 
LORD, make ________ and me know Your ordinances,
so You will not have to snatch us away.

In Your name, Jesus~”

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