Please read 1 Samuel 30.
Meditate on verse 6b.
But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.
David’s trials just kept coming! When he and his men returned to Ziklag, they found the city overthrown and burned, and their women and children captured. The people left behind wanted to stone David, and his mighty men wept uncontrollably.
What would you do in such a horrific situation? Observe how David:
· wept with the people (v. 4)
· strengthened himself in the LORD (v. 6)
· asked the LORD what to do (v. 8)
· did not force the 200 exhausted men to go with him (v. 10)
· fed a sick Egyptian (v. 11-13)
· shared the spoil with all 600 men and Judah’s elders (v. 21-26)
Despite devastating trials, David cared about others. The LORD gave him strength and wisdom to stop an angry mob, track down a band of invading kidnappers, and share with hundreds who would soon be his loyal subjects. God had indeed raised- up a shepherd boy to be a king. Only God would choose such an incredible 15-year journey to groom a monarch.
The LORD has you on a journey. As you travel with Him, rely on His wisdom and strength; care for others, and share with them what God shares with you along the way.
Pray 1 Samuel 30:6 and 8 over yourself and those for whom you stand guard as a faithful, prayerful watchman (Isaiah 62:6-7).
“LORD, please strengthen _________ and me in You.
We inquire of You concerning ____________.
Tell us what to do.
In Your name, Jesus~”
The WATCHMAN on the WALL 2 ~ Dr. Ron and Marsha Harvell